Sabtu, 20 Februari 2016

Funny Story

Hola amigo! Hahaha, so on my 2nd post I'm gonna share my funny story. Well, actually I got a lotta funny stories, but this one is very very very fresh from the oven, so I'm gonna write and publish this one. Happy reading ;)

It happened around one week ago when me and my girls, whoops, me and my friends were sitting on DPR waiting for me and my other friend, Ika to finish our meal. I am the loudest, the hyper, the energetic, the sassiest and the most annoying person (yea I admit, seriously this is the real me) from the table, looking around for people or maybe for some cute guys to stare or even to be our gossiping subject. A lot of people walked by, and we couldn't find the perfect one for us to be our subject. We're saying hi to people we knew, saying hi to the lecturers, and we're teasing one of our guy friend too, haha.
We're getting bored not having a people who will be our "victim", then I decided to put on some music. We sing along together, especially me and Via, because that time my phone played One Direction's song and we love One Direction. When I drank my milk, I looked around and found this cute guy from the engineering faculty, walked towards our table with his friends. But this cute guy have this side-bang or "poni lempar". I looked at him once again and one of my friend, Sesil, whispering and saying something like this, "hey girls, look at him, that polwan guy", I asked her "what is polwan?", she replied "poni lempar menawan". And suddenly we burst in loud laugh until all the people who sitting around us looking at us with weird expression. 
This is the annoying and the funny one (for me), when we're busy laughing, one of my friend, Via saying this words out loud "what?! poni lempar?", and suddenly the guy whom we're talking about looking at us, feeling embarrassed, and he quickly walked away with his fellas and we laughed again, so hard until our tummy's hurt.

Well, this is my story, haha. Hope you enjoy reading this one. And don't forget to give a comment or even your opinion about my story. See you latter, salts! x

Rabu, 17 Februari 2016


Hiyya! So I've read this interesting book about how we have to behave in social media or cyberspace. There's 10 points in that book about netiquette, but I'll only discuss 3 points.

The first point is, make yourself look good online. If you want to make a good impression, you have to learn about grammar and you have to use a proper language because we'll be writing on this cyberspace, right? Make sure if you want to talk about something, you have to know what you really going to talk about, not just "know" it based on your friend's opinion or even based on what you've just heard. And, don't swearing. That's not good to read and it's so rude and impolite.

The second point that I'm going to discuss is, respect other people's privacy. If you wanna get some respect, please respect other people first, even though it's in the cyberspace. For example, you got a new foreign friend, then you suddenly ask him/her about something private like "what is your religion?" "do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend" and many more. If we are talking with our friend then it's okay, but if we are talking with people that we've just met, that's kinda rude, I guess. Just let the conversation flows and if he/she is comfortable with you, without asking, they will tell us something about their life. But don't you dare to asking for more, just let him/her talk first, then you have to tell them something interesting from your life to keep the conversation flows, if you don't wanna lose them.

The last point is, be forgiving for other people's mistake. If you see some mistakes in your friend's or even other people's writing, just look at it first. If you really want to correct that mistake, just be polite by correcting it directly via email (if the person is out of our range) or you can correct it by directly telling them (if the person is your friend or is on your range). But one thing you have to know is, you have to telling it secretly or privately or not in the big crowd, if you do that, they will get embarrassed and maybe, they will be mad at you because you've been humiliating them. But if the mistake is so simple, just keep it to yourself.

Well, that's all the 3 points that I wanted to tell you about "netiquette". I'll give some opinion about this book, this book is so good and you better read this because in this book, we will get some new knowledge about how to behave in cyberspace or social media. If you want to read all of the tips, here's the link --->

Thank you guys for reading my writing, don't forget to comment, yeah?