Sabtu, 14 Mei 2016

Reflection: Goodbye second semester :(

Hi! For this past 3 months, I've got a lot of knowledge for improving my writing skill, especially writing in a formal way because I often write in informal way, from my lecturer and also from my classmates. Now I can write a cool-postcard and also I can write a "fashion-post" which describing my favorite fashion clothing and fashion styles. And also I can write a narrative post too better than I used to. And of course I've got a lot of memories too from my classmates, we took a selfie together when our lecturer was picked up his phone, haha. And this is one of the picture that we took together...

sorry for the blurriness because we took it through the mirror

This is my last post from the second semester. See you at the third semester, cheerio salts! x

Jumat, 13 Mei 2016

My first puppy, my first love

Hiyya! So this is my last post for this second semester before the 'reflection-post'. I'm going to tell you all about my first pet (that I actually took care by myself without my mum's help). So here it is... *drumroll*

I got a puppy, a cute little puppy named Gommu. Well I got the name from the word "keshigomu". It is a Japanese word means "eraser". Funny, right? I named him Gommu because I thought the name was cute and it suit him so well because he was soooooooooooo cute and so fluffy and ugh! And also he had that cute-black-round eyes that could make everybody fell in love with him. He had a light-brown fur and in every paws, he had this little white fur, so it looks like he's wearing a white socks but actually it was his own fur. 

My relative gave me that puppy because he saw me playing with it and the puppy liked me a lot, so he gave me. Actually, he bought the puppy for his daughter, but his daughter already has 2 or 3 dogs so yeah he gave me the puppy. I was so happy that time because it was my first time to owned a real pet by myself. 

My grannie told me to taught the puppy to not littering in the house and also my grannie taught me some tricks that suit for the puppy. After I taught Gommu some tricks and gave him food and milk, I decided to bathed him. He was so calm when I bathed him, unlike the other dogs that I've seen. He always wagged his tail whenever he was with me or saw me. My grannie said that Gommu loved me because he kept wagging his tail, I felt so happy when I knew that he loved me back. I was in my 1st year of Junior High School that time. I made him a bed from a big fruit basket and I put some clothe and a tiny pillow for him, and I placed it beside my bed.

Everytime I went home from school, he was the first that always welcomed me with his cute tail wagging, then after I changed my clothes I played with him. But one day when I went home, Gommu was nowhere to be seen! I asked my mum and my grannie where was he and kept repeated it over and over again. Later then I found him laying near the starfruit tree in my yard and I found out that he's already dead. I cried so hard until my mum and my grannie came outside the house. I ran to my room and locked myself and keep crying because I lost my first love. When my dad came home from home, he opened my room and hug me. I guess my mum already told me that Gommu's dead. My dad said that Gommu was in heaven now and he promised me that he'd took me to wherever I want. So I told my dad that I want some sweets and ice cream and he smiled then he took me to found what I wanted. I didn't ask my dad where did he burried Gommu until now because I don't wanted to know about it. Because it made my heart shattered if I knew where it was.

So this is my story about my first puppy, Gommu. Unfortunately, I can't find my picture with Gommu, so I put my grannie's pict holding Gommu. Hehe. Hope you guys like it and don't forget to leave a comment down bellow. All the love! x

Senin, 02 Mei 2016

Postcard: Hello from Maldives, for the birthday-girl!

To: Via

Hiyya salts! So, yeah I’m writing you a letter for wishing you a happiest birthday! Today is your birthday right? Hehe.. Well, I’m on this beautiful beach in Maldives with my fiancĂ©, Niall. We’re having our anniversary here. Oh by the way, he proposed me when we were walking hand-in-hand, when the sun goes down. He knelled down and took my hand. All I could do was just stood there, stared at him speechless, and looking down at his beautiful ocean-blue-eyes. Well, enough from me and Niall, teehee. Oh by the way, he wishes you a happiest birthday too!

Oh, you know what? You should come here with your boyfriend, Evan. I recommended you this gorgeous place because this is the best place for both of you to have a romantic vacation, plus, you can do a lot of things in here such as; surfing, tanning, snorkeling, diving, or maybe you can make a sandcastle with Evan! But, if you guys want to..

This is all from me. I’m enjoying my vacation so much, hope you're fine there. Once again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SALTS!

Your soon-to-be-married girl-bestfriend

Widi, xoxo

Jumat, 29 April 2016

widikidiw's Fashion-Style Description

Heyya salts!. I'm glad that I finally come back again, haha! In this post, I’m going to tell you about my favorite fashion style. So here it is… *drum-roll*

I am the simplest girl when we are talking about favorite fashion styles if you compare me with all of my friends. I really like wearing a shirt or polo, jeans especially ripped jeans, and a pair of sneakers and voila! I’m ready to start my day.



 In my daily routine, I really like wearing a plain T-Shirt or a band T-Shirt because T-Shirt is so comfortable for me. But sometimes, I like wearing a wool-sweater or a fabric-sweater if I feel want to wear it. And I mix it with a dark-blue jeans, or a ripped jeans, because ripped-jeans is so cool and so fashionable, for me. Then my final touch is the sneakers. I choose a simple sneakers, sport shoes or sometimes I choose ankle-boots to complete my daily style.

Sometimes, I fancy wearing some accessories like a ring or a cap to complete my style. I think if I classify my fashion-style, I am in the aesthetic-style. Not too boyish and not too girly.

Well, this is the end of my description about my daily style. Hope you guys enjoy reading it. See you in the next post! x

Senin, 14 Maret 2016

Story of My Life

Story of my life, I take her home I drive all night to keep her warm and time, it’s frooooozen. The story of my life, I give her hope, I spent her love until she's broke inside, the story of my life....”. Ehh, haha guys sorry I was too emotional because of my title. Yaaaay, so this is my last post for this mid-semester. In this post, I’m gonna tell you all a little bit of me. Here we go…

Hiyya, my full name is Ignatia Kusuma Widi Astuti, but my friends mostly call me Widi. I'm 18 years old, going to 19. I was born in Malang, 31st July 1997 at 4am, yep 4am. How do you know, Widi? Because I asked my mum, duh -..- haha. My parents are mixed from Javanese-Chinese-and Maduranese.
Little me, hehe
My hometown, as you can see in the beginning, is in Malang. Yep I lived in Malang for about 18 years, and now I’m moving here in Surabaya because I’m trying to catch my education here, and my parents of course they are supporting me and they will always be. So we moved here, in Surabaya. But sometimes, we go back to Malang, visiting our family and colleagues there. 

Now, I’m studying in Widya Mandala Catholic University. I’m in my second semester now. I’m taking English as my major, as you can see guys, I’m writing this one because of my writing assignment, haha. But actually I really have a big interest in English, so… I don’t mind at all. 

Well, beside doing my duty as a student, I have a lot of activities that I usually do with my friends or myself. My very very favorite activity that I usually do with all of my friends is chilling, enjoying the food that we’ve already order. And also we really like gossiping about something that’s not too important, hahaha. My favorite me-time activity are playing the Sims and listening to music. Well, sometimes I also watching movie when I found the movie is quite interesting to watch. I really really like horror movies, and also drama-comedy movies. I’m not too keen at action movies, because sometimes action movies are easy to predict, unlike horror movies.  I like watching couple of TV shows like, Scream Queens, Keeping Up with the Kardashians and also Bad Dogs. Sometimes, I watch a cartoon show like Spongebob Squarepants too.

I don’t really like reading a book now, because I don’t have much time to reading a book, so yeah I rarely reading a book. But I’m still reading this e-comic book in my smartphone. The application is called WebToon, you can try to downloaded it too, if you fancy it.
Current me :P

My favorite music is Pop, EDM, Pop-Rock and also a little bit RnB. I really like this boyband called One Direction, they really have the talent and also the looks too! They already had their concert in Jakarta at March 25th 2015, unfortunately I can't come because i have the try out test, so sad, huhu :"( I also like this Pop-Rock band called 5 Seconds of Summer, they just had a concert in Jakarta at March 5th , and I can’t come too :( And also, I like Justin Bieber too! His recent album is so cool! You can check it out if you guys fancy it.

I, fortunately, have a lot of caring friends in Malang and they will always be there when I need them, they will give me a support, whether I'm asking for it or no, and they often video-called me, asking me how's my day and all. And also I have 5 beautiful ladies in here, that will always cheers me and make a lot of noisy and a lot of cheesy memories that I will always remember.

Favorite food? Well, basically I love all kind of food because food is the only one who can’t ever make you sad, hoho. But I really like pure potato so much, boiled-sausage, ice cream, chocolate, fried chicken, steak and also pasta. Fortunately, I can make them all, hoho, so when I’m craving one of them I can make them by myself without asking my mum to make it. Haha.

So this is the “story of my life”, hope you guys enjoy reading it. Don’t forget to comment and maybe, correct me if I made a mistake, I’d appreciate it so much. Bye-bye guys, see you later at the end of the second semester. All the love :)x

Sabtu, 12 Maret 2016

Journal: Reflection about the Writing Class A

Hello, so in this past 3 months I've been studying in writing class A. I've got a lot of new vocabulary, grammar, and a lot of memories with my classmates too. I've learned about how to use this blog to post my assignments, and also decorating it to be a cool-blog for me. I think this is the good way to reduce the paper-use. And also, we are living in this 21st century, right? So I think if we still use the paper for the assignment, it's a little bit old-fashioned. Besides, we can now understand how to use and run our own blog.

But sometimes when the lecturer is teaching and explaining in front of the class, some of my friends annoyed me because they keep talking and maybe have a little romance so I can't keep up with what the lecturer said without looking straight to the white-board. I'm a person who can't sit still and listening without doing nothing, so I often checking on my phone and budging my friend, whom sitting right beside me (fortunately, she doesn't mind at all) and talking to my other friends. But, I still can catch what the lecturer has been said, and fortunately I guess the lecturer is very very understanding toward me and the other classmates.

So, yeah, this is all I wanna tell you about how's my writing class. Hopefully you guys like it and don't forget to comment down bellow. Thankyou x

Minggu, 06 Maret 2016

Favorite pet? Golden Retriever of course!

Hiiiiii, so in this post, I'm gonna tell you guys about my favorite pet, golden retriever. Yaaaay!

Golden retriever, has a fluffy and thick fur. It has round black cute eyes. When it still a puppy, they have a small round cuddly body, so it makes you wanna hug them all day, and they don't mind at all! Aww...

The golden retriever is the smartest dog you could ask for. You can teach them couple of tricks easily when they are still a puppy, unlike the other dog that you can only teach them in certain age. And they rarely bite too!

This super cute dog often join the dog competition because of their smartness. They often bring the trophy home for their owner too. That's why many people who want to join the dog competition often buy or adopt this dog and teach them tricks. Fyi, golden retriever could be a family dog. Because they really love babies and kids. They can be the nanny and also a friend for the kids, a cuddly and fluffy friend of course. That's why golden retriever have a nickname "the family dog", because they love kids and also family.

So guys, that's what I wanna say, or in this case, write about golden retriever. If you guys adopt or buy a golden after reading my post, let me know by write a comment below. And if I made a mistake, please tell me by write a comment below too, haha. I'd appreciate it more. 
Thank you guys, all the love x