Senin, 14 Maret 2016

Story of My Life

Story of my life, I take her home I drive all night to keep her warm and time, it’s frooooozen. The story of my life, I give her hope, I spent her love until she's broke inside, the story of my life....”. Ehh, haha guys sorry I was too emotional because of my title. Yaaaay, so this is my last post for this mid-semester. In this post, I’m gonna tell you all a little bit of me. Here we go…

Hiyya, my full name is Ignatia Kusuma Widi Astuti, but my friends mostly call me Widi. I'm 18 years old, going to 19. I was born in Malang, 31st July 1997 at 4am, yep 4am. How do you know, Widi? Because I asked my mum, duh -..- haha. My parents are mixed from Javanese-Chinese-and Maduranese.
Little me, hehe
My hometown, as you can see in the beginning, is in Malang. Yep I lived in Malang for about 18 years, and now I’m moving here in Surabaya because I’m trying to catch my education here, and my parents of course they are supporting me and they will always be. So we moved here, in Surabaya. But sometimes, we go back to Malang, visiting our family and colleagues there. 

Now, I’m studying in Widya Mandala Catholic University. I’m in my second semester now. I’m taking English as my major, as you can see guys, I’m writing this one because of my writing assignment, haha. But actually I really have a big interest in English, so… I don’t mind at all. 

Well, beside doing my duty as a student, I have a lot of activities that I usually do with my friends or myself. My very very favorite activity that I usually do with all of my friends is chilling, enjoying the food that we’ve already order. And also we really like gossiping about something that’s not too important, hahaha. My favorite me-time activity are playing the Sims and listening to music. Well, sometimes I also watching movie when I found the movie is quite interesting to watch. I really really like horror movies, and also drama-comedy movies. I’m not too keen at action movies, because sometimes action movies are easy to predict, unlike horror movies.  I like watching couple of TV shows like, Scream Queens, Keeping Up with the Kardashians and also Bad Dogs. Sometimes, I watch a cartoon show like Spongebob Squarepants too.

I don’t really like reading a book now, because I don’t have much time to reading a book, so yeah I rarely reading a book. But I’m still reading this e-comic book in my smartphone. The application is called WebToon, you can try to downloaded it too, if you fancy it.
Current me :P

My favorite music is Pop, EDM, Pop-Rock and also a little bit RnB. I really like this boyband called One Direction, they really have the talent and also the looks too! They already had their concert in Jakarta at March 25th 2015, unfortunately I can't come because i have the try out test, so sad, huhu :"( I also like this Pop-Rock band called 5 Seconds of Summer, they just had a concert in Jakarta at March 5th , and I can’t come too :( And also, I like Justin Bieber too! His recent album is so cool! You can check it out if you guys fancy it.

I, fortunately, have a lot of caring friends in Malang and they will always be there when I need them, they will give me a support, whether I'm asking for it or no, and they often video-called me, asking me how's my day and all. And also I have 5 beautiful ladies in here, that will always cheers me and make a lot of noisy and a lot of cheesy memories that I will always remember.

Favorite food? Well, basically I love all kind of food because food is the only one who can’t ever make you sad, hoho. But I really like pure potato so much, boiled-sausage, ice cream, chocolate, fried chicken, steak and also pasta. Fortunately, I can make them all, hoho, so when I’m craving one of them I can make them by myself without asking my mum to make it. Haha.

So this is the “story of my life”, hope you guys enjoy reading it. Don’t forget to comment and maybe, correct me if I made a mistake, I’d appreciate it so much. Bye-bye guys, see you later at the end of the second semester. All the love :)x

4 komentar:

  1. I like story of your life ^^ . You shared it clearly and completely . I also like 'little you' haha

  2. I like your story wid but first i read your title i know thats the title song from one direction haha and your face when little time with right now very different

  3. Nice story widi. And you can write it well, buy may be you can reduce the word "haha" because I think Autobiography is "little bit" in formal form.

  4. I like to read your autobiography. because your autobiography is clearly and everyone can understand what are you writing about. I really enjoy your autobiography.
