Minggu, 06 Maret 2016

Favorite pet? Golden Retriever of course!

Hiiiiii, so in this post, I'm gonna tell you guys about my favorite pet, golden retriever. Yaaaay!

Golden retriever, has a fluffy and thick fur. It has round black cute eyes. When it still a puppy, they have a small round cuddly body, so it makes you wanna hug them all day, and they don't mind at all! Aww...

The golden retriever is the smartest dog you could ask for. You can teach them couple of tricks easily when they are still a puppy, unlike the other dog that you can only teach them in certain age. And they rarely bite too!

This super cute dog often join the dog competition because of their smartness. They often bring the trophy home for their owner too. That's why many people who want to join the dog competition often buy or adopt this dog and teach them tricks. Fyi, golden retriever could be a family dog. Because they really love babies and kids. They can be the nanny and also a friend for the kids, a cuddly and fluffy friend of course. That's why golden retriever have a nickname "the family dog", because they love kids and also family.

So guys, that's what I wanna say, or in this case, write about golden retriever. If you guys adopt or buy a golden after reading my post, let me know by write a comment below. And if I made a mistake, please tell me by write a comment below too, haha. I'd appreciate it more. 
Thank you guys, all the love x 

6 komentar:

  1. Widi, I think the dog is very cute. see you..

  2. Widi your post is so intresting. good job :D

  3. woww! it is a cutest animal widii and by your description I know more about Golden ^^ thank u.

  4. Good Description Widi, I guess you are a dog lover, I hope one day I can have one of that funny dog....I suggest you to mentions the others stuff about Golden Retriever beside the explaination you had written. Thank you....

  5. hola widai! hoho I'm interesting about your discrabe, dog its so very cute and maybe you missed your dog :D

  6. God joob widi. Btw the last picture is so cute hahaha
